Sunday, July 5, 2009


Hi all,

We had out 2nd granddaughter graduate from high school this past month. Had a party for her at her home in Buffalo,mn. we had goulash{which I made) buns pickles, fresh fruit ,veggie tray, and delicious choc. cake, . Also had some mammoth cupcakes. Such a nice party! Weather did co-operate most of the day.Many family members and friends attended. Was great!

Also , we are having a 50th wedding anniversary party in MN. on Aug. 1st. Our kids are putting it on at our sons home in Alden, MN. I believe he is fixing roasted sweet corn that he raises, (which is utterly fantastic) , along with other fixings. Another good time. Will talk to ya all later. Bye now, Sharon

Friday, May 15, 2009

mothers day/ nurseweek

Just wanted to say, I had a nice mothers day! We went to church early, then out for breakfast
for mothers day. Was nice. Then went to buy flowers, and got them planted.

Alaso heard from all my kids, either cards, phone calls or both, Also recieved a beautiful boquet of flowers. Did talk to oldest grand daughter too., per phone.

Nurses week has past. Something new every day for those who work. Little gifts or treats.
Also all recieved a little back pack. Was a distinguished nurse lecture Wed. nite, which my
friend Kay recieved an award as one of hospitals special nurses, How nice!! I missed the nite, due to my sibling class we usually have on that nite. Will make it next year.

My granddaughter experienced her first nurse day/week also for the first time.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Weekend in Minnesota

Sharon had her 50th nursing class reunion. That was very nice. Then we went to the Elk's Club to eat dinner and that was very yummy! All but 2 members of our class were there! The A.L. tribune was even there! Boy we are famous! On Sunday we drove up to Andover to see Steve and Nikki and had burgers with them. Nichole also showed us pics of Bri's prom she went to on Saturday! We also had a tour of their cool house and now are about to leave for Olivia's basketball game in New Hope, MN! I'm learning how to blog! Ta ta for now!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Fultons are here to blog!

HI! Here we are starting off in the blog world! Photobucket