Sunday, May 3, 2009

Weekend in Minnesota

Sharon had her 50th nursing class reunion. That was very nice. Then we went to the Elk's Club to eat dinner and that was very yummy! All but 2 members of our class were there! The A.L. tribune was even there! Boy we are famous! On Sunday we drove up to Andover to see Steve and Nikki and had burgers with them. Nichole also showed us pics of Bri's prom she went to on Saturday! We also had a tour of their cool house and now are about to leave for Olivia's basketball game in New Hope, MN! I'm learning how to blog! Ta ta for now!

1 comment:

  1. have an addition, or correctipn: The tribune was at the Ramada Inn where our luncheon was held, not at the Elks where we had dinner together.
    Was great to see my old classmates from nursing school,
    esp. those I dont see very often.
