Friday, May 15, 2009

mothers day/ nurseweek

Just wanted to say, I had a nice mothers day! We went to church early, then out for breakfast
for mothers day. Was nice. Then went to buy flowers, and got them planted.

Alaso heard from all my kids, either cards, phone calls or both, Also recieved a beautiful boquet of flowers. Did talk to oldest grand daughter too., per phone.

Nurses week has past. Something new every day for those who work. Little gifts or treats.
Also all recieved a little back pack. Was a distinguished nurse lecture Wed. nite, which my
friend Kay recieved an award as one of hospitals special nurses, How nice!! I missed the nite, due to my sibling class we usually have on that nite. Will make it next year.

My granddaughter experienced her first nurse day/week also for the first time.

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